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Neuromas Specialist

Wake Foot and Ankle Center

Podiatrists & Foot and Ankle Surgeons located in Wake Forest, NC

If you experience burning pain or numbness in your feet, you may be suffering from a neuroma. At Wake Foot and Ankle Center in Wake Forest, North Carolina, James Judge, DPM, and Michael Hodos, DPM, provide a number of surgical and nonsurgical treatments for neuromas. Wake Foot and Ankle Center specializes in comprehensive, individualized care for individuals of all ages. To speak with a podiatrist about your foot pain, book an appointment by phone or online today.

Neuromas Q & A

What is a neuroma?

A neuroma refers to benign growth of your nerve tissue. Also known as a nerve tumor, a neuroma causes your nerve tissue to thicken, resulting in pain, tingling, and numbness. If left untreated, the pain caused by neuromas can worsen and lead to permanent nerve damage.  

What is Morton’s neuroma?

Morton’s neuroma is a type of neuroma that affects the nerves near your toes. Morton’s neuroma most commonly affects the area between your third and fourth toes and causes numbness and sharp pain in the ball of your foot. Many people with Morton’s neuroma describe the condition as the feeling of standing on a pebble in their shoe. If you notice burning pain or numbness in your feet, it’s important to speak with one of the experienced podiatrists at Wake Forest Foot and Ankle. Neuromas can limit your daily activities and overall quality of life. 

What causes Morton’s neuroma?

Morton’s neuroma is caused by irritation and stress on the nerves near your toes. There are a number of different factors that can contribute to the development of Morton’s neuroma, including:

  • Injuries
  • Wearing high heels
  • Wearing shoes that crowd your toes
  • High-impact activities (like running, skiing, or rock climbing)

Improper footwear and certain activities can put repeated stress on the nerves in your feet. Over time, this stress can cause neuromas to develop and contribute to worsening symptoms. People with certain foot deformities like bunions, hammertoe, and flat feet are also at a higher risk of developing Morton’s neuroma. If you notice symptoms, the foot and ankle experts at Wake Forest Foot and Ankle offer a number of safe and effective treatments. 

How are neuromas treated?

How your neuroma is treated depends on the details of your condition. Before you begin treatment, your podiatrist performs a thorough evaluation, including a physical exam and imaging tests. During the physical exam, your podiatrist feels for tenderness and masses near your toes. Your podiatrist may perform imaging tests like an X-ray or ultrasound to take a look at your neuroma and rule out other conditions like stress fractures. 

Once you’ve been diagnosed, your podiatrist takes the time to go over your treatment options. Wake Forest Foot and Ankle takes a collaborative approach to patient care and works with you to ensure you’re well-informed on your condition and treatment plan. Depending on your condition, your podiatrist may combine a number of conservative treatments, including:

  • Orthotics
  • Footwear changes
  • Padding
  • Injections
  • Anti-inflammatory medications

If your condition is caused by deformity, treating the underlying issue reduces the stress on your feet and relieves the symptoms of your neuroma. If your neuroma doesn’t respond to conservative care, your doctor may recommend surgery to decompress or remove the affected nerve. To find out which treatment is right for you, book an appointment by phone or online today.